Thursday, February 25, 2016

Quick Updates

I apologize that I haven't done anything lately on my blog besides Thursday: On My Wish List. I have read but I haven't gotten around to review because I really wanted to focus more on my reading for Apollycon, but I'll try to get back into my reviews in March :)

Also, this weekend is Apollycon and I'm really excited. I was hoping to fit all of my books in two small suitcases, but it wasn't doable so now I have a huge suitcase along with a small one. I'll have to find a way to juggle with those two over there.

So I'll try to have my recap of my experience at Apollycon this year with a lot of pictures if I can.

Stay tuned today for the next Thursday: On My Wish List and then, I'll be AWOL until Monday.

There should also be a new bookhaul next week. There should have been one this week, but I got caught up and forgot to do the posts.

So I'm leaving tonight to go to my sister's so me and Nancy can catch our plane tomorrow morning. Second time in my life that I'm going to take the plane and I'm excited/nervous.

So until next time, good reading. :)

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